Museum Needs
Museum Needs
The current location of the museum is really very small and inadequate, and given the amount of pieces that we have for exhibition and exhibition, we have seen the need to obtain a new more appropriate venue that covers short and medium term projects to offer our services for the good of the community, which is why we have requested different Governors of Coahuila and different Municipal Presidents of Torreón, the donation of a local and economic support, without having received any response to date.
We were never able to schedule an appointment with the then Municipal President RIQUELME or with the Governor of Coahuila RUBEN MOREIRA, to be able to present our requirements and find their support, we also extended our request of solidarity to the cultural cause to private institutions or individuals for the obtaining the property so necessary for our Museum.
While it is true that the only support we have received from the municipality, is the condominium tax on the museum, which we appreciate because we are a non-profit association.